After 40 years of use as a Protestant church a thorough renovation of the building became imperative. With the incorporation of Rexingen into the town of Horb the latter became owner of the building in 1971. The town was not willing to assume the high costs required for renovation within any foreseeable time. The costs were also too high for the Protestant community as tenant.

In this situation the Association of Patrons and Friends of the Former Rexingen Synagogue was founded on the initiative of the then Vicar Dr. Albrecht Haizmann and with the support of the newly elected Mayor Michael Theurer.
The town of Horb offered the tenancy of the building to the Association free of charge. In return the Association gave the assurance that it would assume the task of restoration and maintenance.
In 2003, thanks to the voluntary commitment of its members, the Association was able to conclude the basic stabilization of the building and the interior renovation of the room on the upper floor used for religious services.
In 2010, the roof was given a new lining and was then covered anew with old handmade tiles.

The next phase of refurbishing will tackle the renovation of the exterior of the former synagogue. The building was erected on a foundation of stilts which is slowly sinking. Measures will be taken to secure the foundation and stop this development. The plasterwork of the building has to be renewed. In addition, a new layout for the space in front of the synagogue is planned.